Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Sound of Spring

Buzzing is really a sound of spring. The season has begun in earnest with some warmer weather and interesting finds. The two pictures on the top show the (multicolored!) hives of a master beekeeper we visited on the Eastern Shore. What looks like a solar panel on each of the hives is a solar panel to power a ventilator that is completely self sufficient. This beekeeper was doing experiments in many of his 30-odd hives both with ventilation such as empty chambers on top with holes cut in the sides and a fan to circulate the air, and used a solar ventilator in each hive for a system he found worked very well to avoid stagnant air but not waste the bees energy on fanning in the hot months of the approaching summer. He was utilizing two-queen colonies (Top Right) which leads to a much more productive colony with twice the number of bees because both queens are actively laying. There are two deeps side by side to serve as brood chambers with queen excluders over the shared honey supers and boards half the size of an inner cover to close up the tops of the brood chambers.
On another note, the two pictures on the bottom show how my hives are collecting nectar-fast! I can hardly lift off the top box.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The White House Bees

On April 22, take your child to work day, my sister Audrey and I were given a extraordinary opportunity to go to the White House. We visited with the White House bees as well as teaching the hundred or so children who came about bees with Charlie Brandts, the White House beekeeper who we loved meeting, and my mentor Toni Burnham. This was an extremely exciting experience and we got to see first hand the enjoyment the children took at trying the honey and the interest many showed to pursue this knowledge further. We also got an added bonus-- Charlie was kind enough to give us a fantastic tour of the White House.

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