Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Environmental Urban Living Classes

This is a wonderful opportunity DC is putting forward to learn about beekeeping, or start your own hives. We'll have a number of area speakers, and Toni is a fantastic teacher!

February 22nd, March 1st , 8th and 15th 6:30pm-9:00pm
Sherwood Recreation Center 640 10th St. NE

Toni Burnham, DC’s own beekeeper extraordinaire will be teaching the basics of urban beekeeping in this
four session series. Upon completion of the class students are encouraged to volunteer at one of DPR’s bee
hives. (Pre– registration required at

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Few Days of Spring!

The warm weather last week was an exciting time for the bees to get out of the home they
hadn't left since early December. I took the opportunity to feed the bees fondant- which uses the
same recipe as the special icing for cakes- so that they could replenish their stores. There is still at
least another month until nectar flow, and the girls are going through their winter food fast. I also
took some pictures of them enjoying their freedom! The upper two pictures are the bees feeding on
fresh fondant. As you can see, they were overjoyed!!

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